In the early years of school, homework expectations are minimal, generally comprising of reading, Mathletics and either spelling or the learning of high-frequency words. As children move through the school, homework may comprise other activities, based around literacy/maths or the current topic of study. By the time children reach the senior and intermediate level, homework is generally the completion of work that has been started at school. The increased use of digital tools for learning e.g., google classroom, student blogs etc, means there is a seamless transition between learning that happens at school and at home.
All students, regardless of year level, should be reading (or being read to) every night - this can be reading material that has been sent home, or other reading material of their choice. Mathletics accounts are required for all students in Year 0-4 only.
Don’t get into a battle with your child over homework as it turns homework into a negative that may last for years. STOP if you find you are battling with them about it and write a note or talk to the teacher about the situation, to try to find a solution.
Homework serves different purposes at different stages and homework includes talking about your child's day with them.
Make life easy for yourself:
- try having a set time to do homework
- have a set place or desk set up with everything that might be needed
- eat first, homework second.
- if one day is very busy, do extra on another day to fit around out of school activities
- have a quick look at the homework and help your child to plan the week